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Are bee products vegan or vegetarian?Updated 3 years ago

While bee products are technically vegetarian, they are not considered vegan. But, depending on your motivations, you might be willing to eat bee products. Bees pollinate our plants (including ⅓ of our global food supply), so the more sustainable beekeepers there are, the healthier our environment, farms, and gardens will be.

If you’re concerned about environmental impact, keeping bees is not only less harmful than raising traditional livestock, but it actually serves to help the environment because bees are responsible for pollinating many of the flowers and crops which help maintain our ecosystem.   

We believe in taking good care of the bees, so we work hard to partner with sustainable beekeepers in remote apiaries who don’t overharvest and ensure their bees have ample stocks of their own food supply. We are on a mission to save the bees, so our priority is to promote healthy beekeeping practices and to encourage others to lead more bee-friendly lifestyles. We absolutely respect everyone’s individual dietary choices, but it’s valuable to note that many of our vegan (now “beegan”) customers enjoy and highly recommend our products.

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