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Bees & Sustainability

How can I learn more about the bees and stay up to date on the progress of this cause?

Sign up for our newsletter and text subscriptions! We regularly include updates on all things bees—including the various challenges facing bees, bee facts, their environmental impact, and the widespread benefits of bee products.

What are some of the foods we would lose if we lost the honeybee?

Every third bite of food you eat comes from the bees. Without them, we’d lose apples, almonds, cucumbers, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower, and more if the bees disappear. And that’s just one of the many consequences of losing our buzzing yellow fr

Are bee products vegan or vegetarian?

While bee products are technically vegetarian, they are not considered vegan. But, depending on your motivations, you might be willing to eat bee products. Bees pollinate our plants (including ⅓ of our global food supply), so the more sustainable bee

You talk about saving the bees, how does buying your products support the bee cause?

The first step in the conversation about saving the bees begins with increasing awareness. By educating about sustainable beekeeping and its positive impact on the bees, your health, and our environment, we’re building momentum for a massive shift in

How can I help the bee cause?

Is collecting royal jelly safe for the bees?

We take pride in our ability to sustainably harvest all of the hive’s ingredients, and royal jelly is no exception. Typically, bees build large queen cells whenever a colony needs a new queen. The current queen will lay an egg and the workers will fi

Does extracting honey, bee pollen, propolis, or royal jelly hurt bees?

No, not if you do it carefully and sustainably. Bees produce high volumes of their products, which means there is plenty to go around. Of course, we make sure to never overharvest from our bees and leave lots of their goodness behind to keep the hive